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Barca’s humiliation against Bayern had been coming

Barcelona v Bayern Munich - UEFA Champions League Quarter Final Photo by Rafael Marchante/Pool via Getty Images

The Catalans’ latest embarrassment is no surprise

It’s been coming. I’m sorry if that hurts anyone’s feelings but it’s the truth and for once, it deserves to be said. We, as fans, have been cheated, lied to, manipulated and scammed by this Barcelona board.

They cheated us when they took away the style, the flair, the game that made Barcelona different. The principles of Cruyff, the philosophy of Guardiola, the execution of all the greats that represented the club has been thrown in the dirt and surprisingly, its still taken years of deceitful decision-making to destroy all those things.

They lied to us when they said they could run the club. They couldn’t. They wasted money, they sold the identity and hell, they even printed defamatory lies about their own captain.

They hired coaches and sporting directors that didn’t deserve it, they placed bets on players that never worked out and thank God, we got humiliated cause if we didn’t, they would have had their way and would have even renamed the stadium, just for money.

In short, they did everything they weren’t supposed to. But the worst decision wasn’t their own. It was ours. See, we had a choice and we didn’t make it. Most people don’t even remember that we had a vote to kick this board off when we had the chance.

Yes, there was an exact moment two years ago when Benedito had a vote of no confidence for this exact board. That was the moment that I wish we could take back. Not the Roma fiasco or the Anfield debacle or even the Bayern slaughter yesterday. That exact moment.

We watched this club destroy everything little by little. We watched them do it because we were okay with all of it. We were happy when our club announced Coutinho or Dembele or Greizmann and in turn wasted more than €300 million, thats right €300 million when a 17-year-old from the academy showed that he was the right man for the position yesterday.

All we needed was a right-footed left-winger who wasn’t made of glass (Shoutout to Dembele who’s probably on webmd searching a fresher injury as we speak).

We were okay with all of it because between all the chaos on the pitch, this old and battered team showed glimpses of a past self that we latched on to. We all knew it. We just didn’t want to admit it.

And that’s why we’re to blame too. Not just for the vote of no confidence, but also for believing, deep down that we had a chance against an organization as well-run as Bayern Munich.

One team didn’t lose to the other yesterday because it wasn’t a team in the first place and hasn’t been one for a long, long, and wait for it, long time.

Source: barcablaugranes.com

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