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Dead Silence from Messi Camp is Making Bartomeu Nervous!

Catalan media is painting a picture favorable for Bartomeu in the whole saga, but they know that Messi holds all the card. His silence is killing them.

So what we have learned so far - Messi and his camp believe that he is no longer a Barcelona player, Messi wants to go from Barcelona with amicable terms, Bartomeu doesn't want anything of it, He wants Messi to renew the contract.

One thing is clear whether he likes it or not, Messi is gone for good. If the court does not allow him to leave Barcelona, there is a high chance of him retiring from football than continue playing at Barcelona. Then as he did with Argentina, he will make a come back from retirement in the winter transfer window. Not a bad option for Manchester City!

The Dead Silence from Messi is making Bartomeu Nervous!

We will be having the scheduled meeting today between Messi's father and agent Jorge Messi and Bartomeu to resolve the issues. I am not sure what is to be resolved. Bartomeu stooges Sport and Mundo have been reporting that their man will be insisting on Messi renewing the contract with the club. One has to admire the audacity of this fool, who thinks that he can get away with whatever he feels like.

Messi's entourage has been clear with whatever little information they were letting out, that Messi will not continue wearing the Blaugrana jersey. The entire attempt from the Club has been to make his team nervous. So we hear that the exit clause expired in June in the middle of the pandemic, even though FIFA clearly stated that all contract dates shall be extended to the end of the season.

Naturally the League sided with the Club, as they are also fearing the revenue loss after Messi leaves. For all those Bartomeu fans who were celebrating the League's stance, the league did the same with Neymar exit also! If the League makes this stance on a legal forum, they will be digging their own grave. That will allow many of the matches to be nullified as the extended season was allowed with an assumption that those players whose contract ended could still keep playing.

May be even we can get the 8-2 loss nullified because in all probability Coutinho's loan agreement would have ended somewhere in June of 2020. That means Bayern featured a player who was supposed to be on our payroll. It's a pandora's box if they chose to open it up!

Source: allaboutfcbarcelona.com

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