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There is No Hope for Barcelona Revival with Bartomeu in Charge!

The current Barcelona President, Josep Maria Bartomeu has revealed that he has no intention to resign from Barcelona power structure anytime soon. It appears that no humiliation is big enough for the crook to leave from a place, which will feel the after-effects of his destruction for ages.

There is no hope for Barcelona with Bartomeu in Charge!

Strangely enough, even an 8-2 humiliation at the hands of Bayern Munich may not be good enough to get rid of the crook named Bartomeu from Barcelona. That's a bitter truth which is sinking in slowly in the minds of all those enraged Barcelona fans. Despite the enormity of the humiliation we may have to slowly accept the fact that 'Nothing will Change' in Barcelona!

The players have gone into hiding for now. They won't remain their long. Once they understand that Bartomeu will do everything to cling to his position, they will be out backing their President who will guarantee their enormous paycheck. So wait for that brilliant statement from Jordi Alba about the thankless Barcelona fans.

Despite all these Barcelona remains the prime contender for La Liga title next season. That's courtesy of being such a big club in Spain, and also having Messi in the ranks. The bookies have not changed the La Liga odds for now. The best offshore sportsbook which ranks some of the famous betting houses agrees on this. But European ratings have suffered rightly.

Bartomeu is Using the Crisis to Save Himself!

One has to admire the strategic thinking behind every move of Bartomeu. You may hate him but we need to 'Call a Spade a Spade'. He knows how to play the cards well. So amidst the destruction, he is playing the card of a leader who is assuming his responsibility by refusing to make the Organization an orphan. His justification for not calling the election is simple, 'He knows it is the right thing, but can't do as it will plunge the club to further crisis'.

Currently, his backers have all taken a backseat. But don't expect them to remain in the wilderness for long. Wait for a couple of days, and we will have them in full force praising his decision not to abandon ship and his willingness to make all sacrifices to steer the ship in the right direction. Wait for the Catalan newspapers to start this campaign.

Why Fans should not be Fooled by the Current Rhetoric?

My advice for the fans would to 'Stop being Naive' They should learn how to filter out the rhetoric from actual news which makes sense. The rumors know no bound. There are almost five to six coaches linked to taking charge of him. But none of the top coaches will take over as they know very clearly that their position could be in danger following the next election.

Some of the rumors are top-notch nonsense. Like the one which says Thierry Henry is on the running for the Barcelona job. Don't be surprised, if he lands the job because, in the end, Bartomeu has to appoint someone and if none turns up, Henry could be the only option.

Another issue is the ability of Barcelona to strengthen the squad. They badly need to sell their players, but it is easily said than done. Even if we are ready to sell, there should be takers. And whoever was thinking of signing some of our players will look for other options after the 8-2 drubbing.

Barcelona's only option to ship them to mid-table clubs and foot a huge chunk of the enormous wage bill. That means there won't be much money to pay the incoming players! This factor will be something Bartomeu will use to his benefit in the coming days. Remember, how he managed to sign a ton of players in the winter market!

Bartomeu knows clearly that if he waits for time, the stupid socios will keep backing him. And if Messi does not revolt, then his position could be safe. He could still win by playing the Catalan Nationalism card. The ball is firmly in Messi's court now.

Source: allaboutfcbarcelona.com

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