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Piqué announces he will host a “Balloon World Cup” alongside Twitch streamer

Davis Cup By Rakuten Finals 2021 Presentation
Photo by Pablo Cuadra/WireImage

The “sport” involves tapping a balloon and keeping it from hitting the ground

Gerard Piqué has announced he is going to launch the first ever “Balloon World Cup” alongside Twitch streamer Ibai Llanos. Teams from different countries will participate, and big prizes are promised for the winners.

The “sport” involves tapping a balloon so it doesn’t fall to the ground. Due to its nature as a game played inside a house, the duo hinted that furniture will be deployed in the playing area as obstacles.

To get a better idea what this would look like, here is a clip of the sport in action:

Sixteen national teams - primarily from Latin America and Europe - will qualify. The organizers said they also wanted an Asian representative - perhaps China or Japan.

Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, France, Portugal, and the UK were mentioned as participant nations.

Llanos also mentioned he would like to see nearby Andorra qualify.

“It will depend a bit on the people, who shows up. We are organizing it now,” the FC Barcelona defender said.

“It’s a competition that we all have done at one point at home,” Llanos said.

The first match is slated to take place on October 14th. If you’d like to try to sign up as a national team, click here.

Source: barcablaugranes.com

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