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Report: Manchester City join race for Pedro

The Pedro Saga was getting really annoying, but now it's actually really fun!

It's funny how things work; Pedro leaving Barcelona for Manchester United was a foregone conclusion: the club had accepted the €27 million offer from the Red Devils, and the player also was on board to leave Camp Nou. Club officials then said before the UEFA Super Cup against Sevilla that Pedro asked not to play because he was going to the Premier League.

Luis Enrique, in his press conference, said that Pedro was actually injured, and that's why he only played the final minutes. Well, then, Pedro saved Lucho and the rest of the team from a historical debacle, scoring the game-winner and securing the title for the Blaugrana. He then spoke after the game saying that he wants to stay at the Catalan club, if given more minutes. Players like Messi, Busquets and Mascherano urged the 28-year-old not to move, and things started to look different.

Now there's one more plot twist: Manchester City decided to join the race and steal Pedro from their city rivals, formally offering €33 million to the Blaugrana and offering a better contract to the Spanish forward, and sources say both Barça and Pedro are very attracted to the proposal.

Now this is is getting interesting. Where do you think Pedro ends up?

Source: Renato Goncalves http://ift.tt/1hze80i

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