Quiz: FC Barcelona vs Atletico Madrid
Test your knowledge of tonight's opposition by completing our special Atletico Madrid quiz
La Liga is back, which means that our quiz is back as well, as we look to test your knowledge of Barcelona's upcoming opposition by pitting you against 20 multiple choice questions. The questions vary in difficulty from easy to Atleti super-fan, so anyone who gets 20 on their first go without somehow cheating...well, you get my kudos and a virtual pat on the back.
Then again, it's only fitting that the quiz is particularly difficult this week as the match is also going to be an incredibly tough test for our squad. They aren't at their best, and yet they have to dig deep after an international break, travel to one of the hardest venues in Spanish football and attempt to get a result to either maintain their 100% record, or simply stay unbeaten.
As always, the quiz is powered by our good old friends over at Insticator -- and can be found at the end of the article.
Source: Arron Duckling http://ift.tt/1Ke6pv7
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